Title: An improved efficiency novel five switch 1Ø grid-tied non-isolated inverter topology
Authors: Rushikesh S. Shahakar; Kawita D. Thakur; Nutan S. Thakare
Addresses: Department of Electrical Engineering, Government College of Engineering, Amravati, India ' Department of Electrical Engineering, Government College of Engineering, Yawatmal, India ' Department of Electronics Engineering, Government College of Engineering, Amravati, India
Abstract: In lieu of rapidly decreasing fossil fuels and also to tackle the upcoming energy crisis, the challenge lies in developing technology that can spur the use of renewable energy sources. This research evaluates a high-reliability and improved efficiency 1Ø transformerless grid-tied inverter topology with superjunction MOSFETs for photovoltaic modules. There is no requirement for dead time at the grid zero crossing which enhances the output AC current and boosts converter efficiency. This improves system reliability by avoiding the shoot-through hazard. The proposed inverter uses segmented inductor topology's ability to prevent issues with reverse recovery loss for the power switches, which in turn, gives the converter system a high California Energy Commission or European Union efficiency. The mathematical analysis for proposed topology was validated using simulation studies in the MATLAB/Simulink framework. Also, losses and efficiencies were estimated.
Keywords: photovoltaic; non-isolated; efficiency; power loss.
DOI: 10.1504/IJPELEC.2024.139478
International Journal of Power Electronics, 2024 Vol.20 No.1, pp.41 - 61
Received: 01 Jul 2023
Accepted: 18 Nov 2023
Published online: 02 Jul 2024 *