Title: How do the US governments have their social networks for COVID-19 according to administrative levels?
Authors: Seungil Yum
Addresses: University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611, USA
Abstract: This study explores how the US governments have their social networks according to the administrative levels. This study employs social network and content analysis for the US president, New York governor, and New York mayor's Twitter (now known as X) account. This study finds some important results as follows: first, national key players play a significant role in the president networks, whereas city key players play an important role in the governor and mayor networks. Second, the president's family plays an essential role in the president networks, the president, governor, and mayor have a significant impact on the governor networks, and many public key players in education and law enforcement exert an essential effect on the mayor networks. Third, the president, governor, and mayor play an important role in the largest group of their networks. Fourth, COVID-19 vaccines are some of the most important issues across all networks. Fifth, the topics and interests are differentiated by administrative levels. The results imply that the leaders should explore their social networks for COVID-19 to provide important news and updates for COVID-19 effectively since they have different characteristics and key players according to the administrative levels.
Keywords: president; governor; mayor; COVID-19; social networks.
Electronic Government, an International Journal, 2024 Vol.20 No.4, pp.375 - 394
Received: 21 Jan 2022
Accepted: 11 Sep 2022
Published online: 03 Jul 2024 *