Title: Investigating the key factors of the development of the sustainable port in Vietnam
Authors: Manh-Ha Dang; Thi Thuy Hong Nguyen
Addresses: Vietnam Maritime Corporation, Hai Phong City, Vietnam; Vietnam Maritime University, Hai Phong City, Vietnam ' Faculty of Economics, Vietnam Maritime University, Hai Phong City, Vietnam
Abstract: Today, sustainable ports play a significant role in putting into practice a sustainable business strategy that comprehends the ecological and commercial mechanics of environment incentive programs. This paper's goal is to identify the major factors affecting the implementation of sustainable ports. In this study, 215 managers from 21 container ports in Vietnam participated as the sample. The data were analysed using principal component analysis (PCA), confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), and structural equation modelling (SEM). The findings demonstrated that the availability of technical advancement, environmental regulations, economic incentives provided by governments, and the collaboration of parties concerned are all important factors in the development of sustainable ports in developing countries. The implication and discussion is presented in depth in the article.
Keywords: sustainable port; drivers; regulations; technical advancement; sustainability; Vietnam.
International Journal of Sustainable Economy, 2024 Vol.16 No.3, pp.332 - 360
Received: 01 Sep 2022
Accepted: 16 Nov 2022
Published online: 03 Jul 2024 *