Title: A DMAIC framework to improve tumbler index of iron ore sinter at JSW Steel Dolvi - a case study
Authors: Dharmendra Kumar Rajak; Mrigandra Singhai; Dharmendra Patel; M. Vijayakumar; K.Y. Pamali; Amit Bairagi; R.K. Sinha; Sujoy S. Hazra
Addresses: Research and Development, JSW Steel Ltd. Dolvi Works Geetapuram, Dolvi, Taluka Pen, Dist.-Raigad, Maharashtra, 402107, India ' Research and Development, JSW Steel Ltd. Dolvi Works Geetapuram, Dolvi, Taluka Pen, Dist.-Raigad, Maharashtra, 402107, India ' Sinter Plant, JSW Steel Ltd. Dolvi Works Geetapuram, Dolvi, Taluka Pen, Dist.-Raigad, Maharashtra, 402107, India ' Sinter Plant, JSW Steel Ltd. Dolvi Works Geetapuram, Dolvi, Taluka Pen, Dist.-Raigad, Maharashtra, 402107, India ' Sinter Plant, JSW Steel Ltd. Dolvi Works Geetapuram, Dolvi, Taluka Pen, Dist.-Raigad, Maharashtra, 402107, India ' Quality and Process Control, JSW Steel Ltd. Dolvi Works Geetapuram, Dolvi, Taluka Pen, Dist.-Raigad, Maharashtra, 402107, India ' Quality and Process Control, JSW Steel Ltd. Dolvi Works Geetapuram, Dolvi, Taluka Pen, Dist.-Raigad, Maharashtra, 402107, India ' Research and Development, JSW Steel Ltd. Dolvi Works Geetapuram, Dolvi, Taluka Pen, Dist.-Raigad Maharashtra, 402107, India
Abstract: In the sintering process, the tumbler index is one of the most important quality parameters which determine the sinter's disintegration during the transit. Several attempts have been made to predict and improve the tumbler index of sinter, however, the selection of appropriate variables is a challenging task as the sintering process involves multiple variables. Therefore, in this paper DMAIC framework of Six Sigma has been illustrated through a case study to improve the tumbler index of the sinter. The case study prioritises sinter basicity, sinter machine speed, coke oven gas flow rate and wind box suction pressures as significant causes impacting the tumbler index of the sinter. Implementation of one of the four solutions shows improvement in the tumbler index from 73.5% to 74.7% accruing a reduction in internal fine generation by 1.6% with an annual increase in available sinter by 37,184 tones and saving of 0.3 million USD.
Keywords: sinter; tumbler index; Six Sigma; DMAIC.
DOI: 10.1504/IJSSCA.2024.139602
International Journal of Six Sigma and Competitive Advantage, 2024 Vol.15 No.1, pp.57 - 79
Received: 23 Jun 2023
Accepted: 25 Sep 2023
Published online: 04 Jul 2024 *