Title: Addressing global environmental crisis through sustainable and spiritual intervention: a case of Jainism
Authors: Prerna Jain; Pragati Jain
Addresses: Jaipur, 302015, India ' Department of Economics, Central University of Rajasthan, NH-8, Bandar Sindri, Dist-Ajmer-305801, Rajasthan, India
Abstract: Environmental crisis is the greatest challenge humanity is facing in the present times. Climate change, green-house gas emissions, air pollution and extreme temperatures have become a major cause of disease and death. The future seems bleak in the absence of proper implementation of policies. The accomplishment of sustainable development goals (SDGs) seems impossible, seeing the increasing demand for resources. The earth required to sustain the current consumption patterns reveals a very scary future. The ideology presented in the paper is where science, technology, politics and economics fail, spirituality provides solutions as it is all encompassing, having integrated and harmonious approach. The paper argues for practicing the philosophy of sustainable economics of Jainism and adoption of spiritual lifestyle to address the global environmental crisis.
Keywords: environmental crisis; sustainable development goals; SDGs; sustainable development; sustainable economics; Jainism; spirituality.
International Journal of Business and Globalisation, 2024 Vol.37 No.3, pp.370 - 375
Received: 22 Jun 2020
Accepted: 18 Aug 2020
Published online: 08 Jul 2024 *