Title: The title role of postharvest handling practices in augmenting the supply chain efficiency of apples in the Dehradun and Uttarkashi Districts of Uttarakhand
Authors: Aanchal Sharma Lamba; Ajay Sharma
Addresses: School of Management, Graphic Era Hill University, 248001, Dehradun, India ' School of Management, Graphic Era Hill University, 248001, Dehradun, India
Abstract: Postharvest handling practices have attracted renewed research interest. This concern underlines the imperative of comprehending the impact of postharvest handling practices on enhancing supply chain efficiency of apples in the Dehradun and Uttarkashi Districts of Uttarakhand. Using random sampling technique, the impact of postharvest handling practices on the supply chain efficiency of apples was examined. Out of 455 questionnaires, 385 questionnaires were used for data collection. Exploratory factor analysis was used to lessen the number of factors to be considered in this study. Regression analysis was employed to understand the association between postharvest handling practices and supply chain efficiency of apples. The research outcomes show that postharvest handling practices influence the supply chain efficiency of apples positively and significantly. The researchers have also stated the practical and theoretical connotations of the investigation conclusions.
Keywords: apples; postharvest handling practices; cleaning; sorting and grading; packaging; cold chain storage facility; transportation; supply chain efficiency.
DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.139975
International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking, 2024 Vol.17 No.4, pp.469 - 487
Received: 16 Apr 2023
Accepted: 19 Apr 2023
Published online: 15 Jul 2024 *