Title: The experiences of work-life balance, job performance and stress among married working women in private academic institutions
Authors: Farzana Khan; D.B. Singh
Addresses: Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow, India ' Rajarshi School of Management and Technology, Uttar Pradesh, Varanasi, India
Abstract: The aim of the paper is to examine the relationship and the effect of work-life balance (WLB) and stress on the job performance of the married women employees working in the private academic institutions of the National Capital Region (NCR). Descriptive analysis, correlation and regression analysis techniques are used to analyse the collected data in this research study. Purposive and convenience sampling techniques have been used for data collection. It is found that WLB and stress has a significant effect on the job performance of married women employees of private academic institutions in NCR. The Pearson correlation reveals that the higher the stress and/or work-life imbalance lower will be the job performance. All three scales are having Cronbach alpha values 0.70 which indicate that the scales used are highly reliable. In our Indian culture, women face more challenges to maintain a proper balance between domestic and work life. But it is found that in every walk of life women had achieved extreme progress and made a different mark wherever they are.
Keywords: stress; work-life balance; WLB; job performance; domestic life; work-life.
International Journal of Business and Globalisation, 2024 Vol.37 No.4, pp.485 - 498
Received: 10 Sep 2020
Accepted: 21 Sep 2020
Published online: 17 Jul 2024 *