Title: Analysis of competitive differences in the bilateral platforms of the digital economy using artificial intelligence and network data security
Authors: Jingfeng Jiang; Yongyi Wu
Addresses: Hospitality Management Department, Fuzhou Melbourne Polytechnic, Minhou County, 350108, China; Business School, Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur, 50250, Malaysia ' Department of international Business, Fuzhou Melbourne Polytechnic, Minhou County, 350108, China
Abstract: This work aims to conduct a more precise and secure analysis of the competitive differences in bilateral platforms of the digital economy based on artificial intelligence (AI) and network data security. The application of AI technology on bilateral platforms can significantly enhance the level of intelligence and personalisation in services. However, it also drives continuous advancements in data security technology. This work explores the characteristics and advantages of different platforms, providing decision support and strategic guidance to relevant institutions and businesses. Based on this, this work first establishes a distributed training scheme under fog computing to counter data poisoning and safeguard privacy. This scheme is utilised for data collection, storage, and processing while incorporating stringent measures for data privacy protection, such as data encryption, identity authentication, and access control.
Keywords: artificial intelligence; network data security; digital economy; bilateral platforms; analysis of competitiveness differences.
DOI: 10.1504/IJICS.2024.140213
International Journal of Information and Computer Security, 2024 Vol.24 No.1/2, pp.98 - 116
Received: 01 Jun 2023
Accepted: 08 Sep 2023
Published online: 30 Jul 2024 *