Title: Understanding female entrepreneurial success: a phenomenological approach

Authors: Charles Godfred Ackah; Kwame Adom; Golda Anambane

Addresses: Institute of Statistical, Social, and Economic Research, University of Ghana, P.O. Box LG74, Legon, Accra, Ghana ' School of Business, Burman University, 6730 University Drive, Lacombe AB T4L-2E5, Canada ' Institute of Statistical, Social, and Economic Research, University of Ghana, P.O. Box LG74, Legon, Accra, Ghana

Abstract: This paper explores the subjective conceptions of female entrepreneurial success in a developing economy context. We employ the phenomenological approach and gather primary data from 30 female entrepreneurs. We used the thematic network analysis technique as the data analysis method. The study finds that for the female entrepreneurs in the study context, entrepreneurial success is about the mobility of business across different business structure platforms and across business activities. Female entrepreneurial success is achieved by intentionality, using strategies like a change in a business location, adapting to the changing business environment, gathering and deploying market intelligence, and gaining in-depth knowledge about the business sector. Network relationships among themes emerged, outlining that entrepreneurial success is not straightforward, and enterprises, despite their size, may have to adopt patching strategies. The findings of this study are useful in the development of programs that spearhead the growth and success of female-owned enterprises.

Keywords: female entrepreneurship; entrepreneurial success; micro-enterprise; Ghana.

DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2024.140302

International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 2024 Vol.53 No.1, pp.70 - 91

Received: 09 Feb 2022
Received in revised form: 16 May 2022
Accepted: 18 May 2022

Published online: 02 Aug 2024 *

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