Title: Supply and value chains of mezcal in Aguascalientes, Mexico: an approach to its integration

Authors: María Isabel Pérez-Salas; Gregorio Fernández-Lambert; Héctor Silos-Espino; Ma. Loecelia Guadalupe Ruvalcaba Sánchez

Addresses: Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes, Av. Universidad 940, Ciudad Universitaria, C.P. 20010, Aguascalientes, México ' ITS de Misantla, Tecnológico Nacional de México, Km. 1.8 Carretera Lomas del Cojolite, C.P. 93850, Misantla, Veracruz, México ' Instituto Tecnológico El Llano Aguascalientes, Tecnológico Nacional de México, Mexico 40, C.P. 20330, Aguascalientes, México ' CentroGeo, Circuito Tecnopolo Norte, No. 107 Col. Tecnopolo Pocitos II, 20313 Aguascalientes, México

Abstract: A mezcal denomination of origin links its production to a geographic region. Aguascalientes, Mexico, has recently been integrated as part of that region so production, distribution and sales present many areas of opportunity. This article presents the results of a formal and systematic study to understand the current situation of agave production in Aguascalientes and characterise the current structure of the value and supply chains configured to produce mezcal. This knowledge will contribute to the formulation of strategies that contribute to articulating and strengthening them. The work is exploratory and qualitative. The information is obtained from bibliographic reviews, as well as surveys and interviews with key actors in the value and supply chains. The essential function analysis methodology characterises value and supply chains. The results show an area of opportunity levels between interested parties and the waste of mezcal waste and the plant in general. Characterising mezcal chains lays the foundation for deeper investigations that improve management and help strengthen the DOM in Aguascalientes.

Keywords: supply chain; value chain; denomination of origin of mescal; basic functions analysis; Aguascalientes, Mexico.

DOI: 10.1504/IJVCM.2024.140368

International Journal of Value Chain Management, 2024 Vol.15 No.1, pp.1 - 14

Received: 10 Sep 2023
Accepted: 01 Nov 2023

Published online: 05 Aug 2024 *

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