Title: Online customer experience: a review based on theories
Authors: Mehak Goyal; Pankaj Deshwal
Addresses: Department of Management Studies, Netaji Subhas University of Technology, New Delhi, India ' Deceased; formerly of Netaji Subhas University of Technology, India
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to classify and summarise the online customer experience research (hereafter OCE), determine the theoretical perspectives that are used to conceptualise it, and to present advance theoretical framework that can be used in future research in this domain. The article reviewed a set of 100 research articles in online customer experience research with respect to various theories and approaches applied. 328 research articles, which are published during 2000-2022 were collected from Scopus database out of which 100 were chosen for critical review. Literature on OCE perceives on various levels and presents two approaches: static and dynamic level, which further expands into relationship and techno-ship levels in this review. Additional theories and framework such as consumer culture theory, assemblage theory are suggested to better understand the holistic nature of OCE. To the knowledge of the authors, it is the first of its kind to attempt to critical review the theoretical perspective of OCE research. This study addresses two relevant research gaps. First, no study focuses on both organisational as well as customer perspectives. Second, there are various unexplored theories and approaches, which can better explain the OCE domain.
Keywords: online customer experience; level of customer experience; epistemology level; customer satisfaction; TAM; consumer culture theory; stimulus-organism-response; consistency theory; consumer perspective; organisational perspective; static level; dynamic level.
DOI: 10.1504/IJIMA.2024.140477
International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising, 2024 Vol.21 No.1/2, pp.84 - 117
Received: 09 Dec 2022
Accepted: 19 Aug 2023
Published online: 19 Aug 2024 *