Title: Election success that mediates public trust and satisfaction and balances political and managerial aspects
Authors: Akmal Malik; Sujono
Addresses: Institut Pemerintahan Dalam Negeri (IPDN), Jakarta, Indonesia ' Department of Public Administration, National University, South Jakarta, Indonesia
Abstract: In this study, the aim is to implement government efforts in direct and simultaneous regional head elections by building a balance between politics and managerial government by encouraging public trust and satisfaction as voters. This research uses a mixed method by combining or connecting subjective (qualitative) and quantitative structures. Policies regarding the Regional Government Law and the Election Law and building the political and managerial balance of the government are expected to be able to anticipate and overcome problems that arise in direct and simultaneous regional head elections. Originality in this study is a new approach in building a balance with a managerial approach to governance and a decentralised approach. In addition, it can provide alternative suggestions and input that encourage the development of a balanced political and managerial dimension of government in direct and simultaneous local elections in Indonesia.
Keywords: political government; managerial government; direct and simultaneous regional election; community trust; community satisfaction.
Electronic Government, an International Journal, 2024 Vol.20 No.5, pp.518 - 539
Received: 10 Jul 2021
Accepted: 03 Oct 2021
Published online: 02 Sep 2024 *