Title: A Crescendo Model of Career Motivation and Commitment
Authors: Albert King; Kimi King
Addresses: Author address listing can be found in the "About the Authors" section at the end of the article.
Abstract: This study defines and measures a progression model of career motivation in a large aerospace engineering and manufacturing firm. The utility of the progressive phases is demonstrated by their capability for discriminating with 23 variables the propensity to career motivation and commitment and to distinguish regular variation on a continuum of 16 variables widely used to evaluate the quality of work organization. The analysis supports the notion of a graduated stepwise movement from identity to insight, to resilience in strengthening motivational attraction to career commitment, and demonstrates concurrent validity of progressive phases associated with perceived quality of work organization. Although the levels and phases are progressively prepotent and valenced in predicting employee attraction to career commitment, different patterns and paths through the phases for individuals are indicated. At a structural level, results shed insight into motivation patterns formation and affective career commitment.
Keywords: Progression model; career motivation; career commitment; motivational attraction; work organization.
Journal of Business and Management, 1999 Vol.6 No.2, pp.37 - 68
Published online: 05 Sep 2024 *