Title: The Concept of Open Creativity: Collaborative Creative Problem Solving for Innovation Generation - A Systems Approach
Authors: Gerald Steiner
Addresses: Author address listing can be found in the "About the Authors" section at the end of the article.
Abstract: Collaborative creativity is a prerequisite for the generation of innovation. It is of even greater interest when attempting to move from incremental to radical innovation that aims at huge instead of incremental improvements of products, processes, services, or structures that actually changes social practices. The main objective behind this paper is to call for an extension of the creativity perspective by abandoning an exclusive focus on individual creative capabilities, and extending inner-organizational collaborative creative sources with a goal of creating an 'open creativity' system by including external creative sources. In addition to a system's internal creativity (such as of an organization or a region), the synergetic interplay between internal and external sources of creativity at the individual and collaborative levels also needs to be utilized in the attempt to create innovations. In a way, what 'open creativity' is for creativity, Chesbrough's 'open innovation' is for innovation. This is particularly true with regards to radical innovations. Such an approach is becoming more important as environmental and system complexity increases and also as higher degrees of innovation are required. In order to understand and manage such multifacetted aspects of creativity, the 'Planetary Model of Collaborative Creative Problem Solving' is introduced here as a conceptual framework and is correlated with the underlying working process oriented towards the generation of innovations.
Keywords: Open creativity; collaborative problem solving; radical innovation; open innovation; creative capabilities.
Journal of Business and Management, 2009 Vol.15 No.1, pp.5 - 33
Published online: 05 Sep 2024 *