Title: Green FinTech: state of the art of the literature and future perspectives

Authors: Caterina Lucarelli; Francesco James Mazzocchini; Sabrina Severini

Addresses: Department of Management, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Piazzale Martelli, 8, Ancona, Italy ' Department of Management, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Piazzale Martelli, 8, Ancona, Italy ' Department of Economics, Society, Politics (DESP), University of Urbino 'Carlo Bo', Via Saffi 42, Urbino, Italy

Abstract: This article aims to explore if a complete intersection between the different constituents of green FinTech (green, finance and technology) can be observed in the extant literature, identifying the influential characteristics of previous studies dealing with green FinTech and uncovering the future research streams. To this end, we performed a review following the SPAR-4-SLR protocol. We integrate a bibliometric analysis with in-depth content analysis of the papers in each literature cluster for an in-depth analysis of the research streams identified from the 75 peer-reviewed articles scrutinised. In contrast with the other literature reviews which focus on the associations between FinTech and sustainability, our study specifically addresses the green FinTech topic, focusing on the 'green' pillar of sustainability. Consequently, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to shed light on this specific and new field, using accepted methodology on two robust repositories.

Keywords: FinTech; financial technology; green finance; environmental sustainability; low-carbon emission; bibliometric analysis.

DOI: 10.1504/IJGE.2024.141407

International Journal of Green Economics, 2024 Vol.18 No.3, pp.295 - 317

Received: 23 Nov 2023
Accepted: 27 Jun 2024

Published online: 11 Sep 2024 *

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