Title: Factors influencing intention to use hybrid electric vehicles in an oil-rich country: from vehicles market managers' perspective
Authors: Akram Elahi Gol; Hossein Rahmany Youshanlouei; Milan Ščasný
Addresses: Faculty of Finance and Accounting, The Prague University of Economics and Business, 130-67 Prague, Czech Republic ' EM Normandie Business School, Caen, France ' Environment Centre, Charles University, 110-00 Prague, Czech Republic; Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Warsaw, 00-241 Warsaw, Poland
Abstract: The widespread uptake of electric vehicles is believed to be essential to deal with extreme air pollution. However, the current market penetration of electric vehicles in developing countries is negligible. This study aims to evaluate the preferences of managers in the automotive industry in Iran to use hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs). We use the goal-directed behaviour model extended by environmental concerns, hedonic and symbolic values to examine the role of social-psychological factors in the intention to use HEV. Amongst the analysed social-psychological factors, desire is the strongest one to predict intention to use HEVs, whilst hedonic and symbolic values alongside environmental concerns amplify the effect of desire. Our results suggest that Iranian people who attach more symbolic value to the new technology will also have a stronger desire to use HEV since ownership and usage of such cutting-edge technology are associated with prestige and a luxury lifestyle.
Keywords: hybrid electric vehicles; HEVs; intention to use a low carbon technology; extended model of goal-directed behaviour; partial least square; PLS; automotive industry.
International Journal of Sustainable Economy, 2024 Vol.16 No.4, pp.430 - 451
Received: 25 Nov 2022
Accepted: 21 Dec 2022
Published online: 01 Oct 2024 *