Title: Household behaviours, attitudes, and practices towards solid waste management: the case of municipality of Skikda (Eastern Algeria)
Authors: Ouissem Khorief; Aissa Mahimoud; Nedjima Mouhoubi
Addresses: Department Architecture and Urban, Polytechnic School of Architecture and Urban (L'EPAU), Street beaulieu, B.P N°177, 16200, El Harrach, Hocine Ait Ahmed 16200, El Harrach, Algeria ' Department Architecture and Urban, Institute of Architecture and Urban, Salah Boubnider University, Constantine 3 Boite Postale 'B' 72 Ali Mendjeli Nouvelle Ville, 25000 Constantine, Algeria ' Department of Architecture, Faculty of Technology, University of Abderrahmane Mira Bejaia, Village Akhribouche, Semzoun, Amizour 06020 Bejaia, Algeria
Abstract: This paper is a study of citizens' behaviour towards solid waste in the municipality of Skikda. The data in this study was based on a quantitative questionnaire survey from 400 housewives. This questionnaire contains three main sections. The first section concerns citizen data according to demographic (age and sex) and socio-economic (matrimonial status, financial situation, professional level, and type of housing). The second section of the survey concerns the management of waste by household, the composition of their waste, the daily quantity, and their evacuation modes. The third section concerns the information rate of households and the relations with the actors of the waste and types of communication between the municipality and the inhabitants. The results show that the population of commune is not well informed about solid waste, recycling, storing and landfilling. Therefore, the irresponsibility and ignorance of collection schedules by the residents confirm the causes of the failure of waste collection in the municipality and 84.00% of respondents do not participate in consultation meetings concerning solid waste management projects as for the participation in the interventions of volunteers and associations.
Keywords: attitude; citizen behavioural; household; solid waste management; SWM; knowledge; practice; waste management; Algeria.
DOI: 10.1504/IJESD.2024.141837
International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development, 2024 Vol.23 No.4, pp.387 - 413
Received: 26 May 2022
Accepted: 10 Aug 2023
Published online: 02 Oct 2024 *