Title: Impact of economic conditions on the well-being of family farmers in agriculture: an analysis from Western Paraná, Brazil

Authors: Leandro Pereira dos Santos; Jefferson Andronio Ramundo Staduto; João José Passini

Addresses: Education and Research Department, Federal Institute of Paraná (IFPR), Cascavel, Brazil ' Postgraduate Program in Regional Development and Agribusiness, State University of Western Paraná (Unioeste), Toledo, Brazil ' Paraná Rural Development Institute (IDR-Paraná), Curitiba, Brazil

Abstract: This paper aims to examine the impact of economic conditions on the well-being of family farmers in the western region of Paraná State, Brazil. A structural equation model (SEM) was applied to a sample of 118 farmers as part of an empirical analysis strategy, which is well-suited to the analysis due to the multidimensional nature of both economic conditions and the concept of well-being. The results indicate that the central hypothesis of the study can be accepted, as there is a positive and statistically significant relationship between economic conditions and perceived well-being. This finding contributes to the ongoing debate about family farming as a distinct economic and social sector with unique characteristics and societal demands.

Keywords: agricultural development; family farming; structural equation model; SEM; sustainability; economic condition; Brazil.

DOI: 10.1504/IJESD.2024.141852

International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development, 2024 Vol.23 No.4, pp.500 - 519

Received: 15 Jun 2022
Accepted: 14 Aug 2023

Published online: 02 Oct 2024 *

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