Title: Independent entrepreneurs as an obsolete model? – considerations for the European automotive repair and service markets
Authors: Susanne Royer, Uwe Stratmann
Addresses: International Institute of Management, University of Flensburg, Munketoft 3, Flensburg D- 24937, Germany. ' International Car Distribution Programme (ICDP), International Institute of Management, University of Flensburg, Munketoft 3, Flensburg D- 24937, Germany
Abstract: Even though the European automotive repair and service markets today are still characterised by many independent small repairers, various indicators can be identified that challenge this classical entrepreneurial model. Globalisation and new technological developments already led to a consolidation in these markets. The objective of this paper is to describe the developments in these markets in more detail and to identify generic organisational models. The systematisation into three generic models, that is, the entrepreneurial, the partnership and the integrated model builds the basis for analysing the competitive potential of the different forms of value net organisation. The reasoning is building on a resource-oriented thinking framework and additional thoughts from transaction cost economics. The underlying data for the analysis are obtained from a qualitative study conducted by the International Car Distribution Programme (ICDP) containing 200 interviews with independent repairers and further expert interviews with franchisers, parts distributors, original equipment suppliers and fleet customers.
Keywords: value net organisations; entrepreneurial models; partnership models; integrated models; European automobile industry; automotive repair and service markets; competitive advantage; resource-based view; RBV; qualitative study; entrepreneurship; independent entrepreneurs; globalisation; small business; transaction costs.
DOI: 10.1504/IJGSB.2007.014187
International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business, 2007 Vol.2 No.1, pp.47 - 65
Published online: 24 Jun 2007 *
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