Title: The application of the technology acceptance model to determine students' intention to adopt online teaching and learning in South Africa
Authors: K.M. Makhitha; Thanyani Mbedzi
Addresses: University of South Africa, Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa ' University of South Africa, Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa
Abstract: Most open distance learning (ODL) institutions are embracing technology to deliver their teaching and learning (T&L) activities. The rapid growth of internet-based technological innovations and the COVID-19 pandemic have further influenced the T&L adopted by ODL institutions. This study aimed to apply the technology acceptance model (TAM) to determine students' attitudes towards online T&L and to establish whether attitude towards online T&L influences intention to adopt online T&L in an ODL environment. A survey research method was considered appropriate to achieve the research objectives of the study and to test the hypotheses developed. The study targeted marketing students registered for undergraduate and honours marketing qualifications at an open distance electronic learning (ODeL) university. Perceived ease of use (PEU) and perceived usefulness (PU) were found to influence students' attitudes towards online T&L platforms, while their attitude towards online T&L was found to influence their intention to adopt online T&L. The findings present several reasons why academic leaders should consider PEU and PU when designing online T&L curricula and learning management systems.
Keywords: online T&L; students' attitudes; perceived ease of use; PEU; perceived usefulness; intention to adopt online T&L; South Africa.
DOI: 10.1504/IJEED.2024.141917
International Journal of Education Economics and Development, 2024 Vol.15 No.4, pp.462 - 477
Received: 28 Feb 2023
Accepted: 22 Mar 2023
Published online: 03 Oct 2024 *