Title: The effect of entrepreneurial education on entrepreneurial intention of undergraduate students

Authors: Hesham Magd; Siraj Kariyilaparambu Kunjumuhammed

Addresses: Quality Assurance and Accreditation, Modern College of Business and Science, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman ' Faculty of Business and Economics, Modern College of Business and Science, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman

Abstract: Recognising the importance of entrepreneurial education in developing entrepreneurial intention, we review the contribution of entrepreneurial education to the entrepreneurial traits of undergraduate students. The entrepreneurial tendency is measured using entrepreneurial traits such as risk-taking propensity, motivation, locus of control, and creative tendency. The data collected from 216 undergraduate students using a questionnaire is the basis of the study. The entrepreneurial intention of students who completed the entrepreneurship course is compared with the entrepreneurial intention of students who have not completed the entrepreneurship course. The findings show that entrepreneurship education has not created a significant impact on the entrepreneurial tendency of students. Effective entrepreneurship education enables participants to have a clear understanding of entrepreneurship, build an entrepreneurial mindset, and learn how to start and operate business ventures. Although entrepreneurship education is offered to all enrolled students in HEIs, the instructional design, instructional materials, delivery plan, teaching, and assessment methods are not aligned and reviewed regularly to the outcome requirements. This study indicates the extent to which entrepreneurship education impacts entrepreneurial intention among students in Oman, and the necessary changes needed in the curriculum, instructional design, and assessment of entrepreneurial courses.

Keywords: entrepreneurship education; entrepreneurial intentions; traits; creative tendency; risk propensity.

DOI: 10.1504/GBER.2024.142002

Global Business and Economics Review, 2024 Vol.31 No.4, pp.455 - 484

Accepted: 23 Apr 2023
Published online: 07 Oct 2024 *

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