Title: A literature review into leadership styles discussed in mining industry

Authors: Manoj Kumar; K.P. Abraham; Madhu Anand

Addresses: Natural Resources, Adani Enterprises Limited, 10th Floor, Adani Corporate House, Shantigram, SG Highway, Ahmedabad, 382421, Gujarat, India ' Natural Resources, Adani Enterprises Limited, 11th Floor, Adani Corporate House, Shantigram, SG Highway, Ahmedabad, 382421, Gujarat, India ' GSRC, Gujarat Mineral Development Corporation Science and Research Centre, GMDC Annexe, 8, Mill Officer's Colony, Opp. Fadia Chambers, Ashram Road, Ahmedabad, 380009, Gujarat, India

Abstract: The global extractive sector is widely recognised for its exceptionally demanding operational milieu. In this context, managerial figures, especially those in leadership positions, are crucial in steering the sector toward sustained progress, realisation of organisational objectives, and adherence to professional commitments. The indispensability of a proficient leadership paradigm extends beyond workforce management - it is vital in fostering optimal employee performance and strategic decision-making. This research endeavour sought to comprehensively evaluate and encapsulate the scholarly discourse on leadership styles, examining their impact on various facets of organisational allegiance as well as other consequential metrics such as leadership efficacy, employee output, and the overall quality of the occupational environment. Employing a meticulous systematic review methodology and an exacting selection criterion, this investigation scrutinised 65 scholarly peer-reviewed articles and thesis from diverse databases and repositories. Of these, 19 were deemed impactful and thus were meticulously chosen for in-depth examination and synthesis.

Keywords: leadership styles; transactional and transformational leadership; leadership effectiveness; reciprocal and digital leadership; mining industry.

DOI: 10.1504/IJMME.2024.142842

International Journal of Mining and Mineral Engineering, 2024 Vol.15 No.4, pp.379 - 395

Received: 15 Dec 2023
Accepted: 24 Jun 2024

Published online: 28 Nov 2024 *

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