Title: CBDC as a means of payment and its implications for tax administrations

Authors: Lara Dourado Vasconcelos Nascimento; Paulo Caetano da Silva; Daniel José Diaz; Clovis Belbute Peres

Addresses: Universidade Salvador (UNIFACS), Av. Tancredo Neves, 2131, Salvador-BA, 41820-021, Brazil ' Universidade Salvador (UNIFACS), Av. Tancredo Neves, 2131, Salvador-BA, 41820-021, Brazil ' Universidade Nacional de Rosario (UNR), Maipú 1065, Rosario, Santa Fé, S2000CGK, Argentina ' Academia Brasileira de Ciências Contábeis (Abracicon), SAS, Quadra 5, Bloco J, Edifício CFC, 70070-920, Brasília-DF, Brazil

Abstract: Cryptocurrencies and central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) are leading a new phase in the increasing money digitalisation trend. However, unlike credit cards and other well-established digital payment services and solutions, digital currencies bring new and complex challenges for the economies, including legal and regulatory implications. Private cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin have impacted the financial system primarily as a speculative trading instrument. However, with the emergence of central bank digital currencies, digital money has the potential to revolutionise the payment system, since its features can assure the stability needed for a transactional currency. In this context, tax administrations will be affected both on policy and operational aspects. In this article, we focus on the main aspects that can influence the use of cryptocurrencies and CBDCs as a payment method and investigate the consequences and possibilities of this application to the taxation processes.

Keywords: central bank digital currency; CBDC; digital currencies; blockchain; taxation.

DOI: 10.1504/EG.2025.143114

Electronic Government, an International Journal, 2025 Vol.21 No.1, pp.1 - 17

Received: 15 Mar 2023
Accepted: 30 Dec 2023

Published online: 03 Dec 2024 *

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