Title: An agent-based simulation study on the effect of ambulance dispatch policies on patient mortality in hospital systems: a disaster response test case
Authors: Nimisingha Jacob Amakama; Gilles Dusserre; Axelle Cadiere; R. Wade Schuette; Gregory Zacharewicz
Addresses: Laboratory for the Sciences of Risks (LSR), Centre for Teaching and Research in Computer Science and Systems (CERIS), IMT Mines Alès, Alès, 30100, France ' Laboratory for the Sciences of Risks (LSR), Centre for Teaching and Research in Computer Science and Systems (CERIS), IMT Mines Alès, Alès, 30100, France ' UPR CHROME, University of Nimes, Nimes Cedex 1, 30021, France ' Shewnexti LLC, Columbia, MO 65202, USA ' PRISM, Centre for Teaching and Research in Computer Science and Systems (CERIS), IMT Mines Alès, Alès, 30100, France
Abstract: Emergency management is the effective planning and execution of resources to reduce mortality rates while protecting critical assets. This study examines the impact of emergency strategy policies on an emergency scenario. A test case was examined where a mobile field hospital (MFH) supported a regional hospital (RH) during a post-disaster incident. The strategy of this study involves the use of agent-based modelling and simulation (ABMS) (NetLogo 6.3.0), which involves the representation of interacting agents within a system defined by simple rules and goals. Model data were sampled and analysed using BehaviorSpace, Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), and Python (Pandas Tools). The validation was carried out using a scenario-based tabletop role-playing game (tRPG). The strategy with MFH as a support system produced better results. However, the validation results highlighted the challenge of using RPG in ABM validation. This study demonstrated the value and promise of ABMS and tRPG techniques.
Keywords: emergency management; ambulance policy; netlogo; ABMS; agent-based modelling and simulation; tRPG; tabletop role-playing game; ED; emergency department; RH; regional hospital; MFH; mobile field hospital.
International Journal of Emergency Management, 2024 Vol.19 No.1, pp.25 - 50
Received: 05 Jun 2023
Accepted: 12 Jul 2024
Published online: 13 Dec 2024 *