Title: The practice of special education teachers in remote teaching during and after the COVID-19 pandemic
Authors: Isabel de Castro Chaves; Ana Isabel Carvalho; Rosa Martins; Estrela Paulo; João Pascoinho; Ana Isabel Rodrigues; Ana Camões; Cindy Vaz
Addresses: Basic and Secondary School Doctor Teacher Francisco Freitas Branco, Estrada das Matas, Porto Santo, Portugal ' Escola Superior de Educação de Fafe, CIDI-IEES, IEES – European Institute of Higher Studies, Fafe, Portugal ' Escola Superior de Educação de Fafe, CIDI-IEES, IEES – European Institute of Higher Studies, Fafe, Portugal ' Escola Superior de Educação de Fafe, CIDI-IEES, IEES – European Institute of Higher Studies, Fafe, Portugal ' Escola Superior de Educação de Fafe, CIDI-IEES, IEES – European Institute of Higher Studies, Fafe, Portugal ' Escola Superior de Educação de Fafe, CIDI-IEES, IEES – European Institute of Higher Studies, Fafe, Portugal ' Escola Superior de Educação de Fafe, CIDI-IEES, IEES – European Institute of Higher Studies, Fafe, Portugal ' Escola Superior de Educação de Fafe, CIDI-IEES, IEES – European Institute of Higher Studies, Fafe, Portugal
Abstract: The study was carried out with special education teachers, in a total of 43 participants, from a school in the north of Portugal. The study is of a quantitative nature and the general objective was to identify the attitudes and practices of special education teachers during and after the COVID-19 pandemic in Portugal. Statistical analysis was performed using the IBM/SPSS program, version 26.0 with exploratory factor analysis. Ethical issues were taken into account, safeguarding the anonymity of participants throughout the process. The main results were the frequency of use of digital technologies did not change significantly between during and after the remote teaching period and the type of digital technologies tools and their use by Special Education teachers during the pandemic determined their practices after the pandemic. This study makes evident the importance of training special education teachers in the use of digital technologies tools.
Keywords: digital technologies; remote learning; teachers; students; specific needs.
DOI: 10.1504/IJEED.2025.143612
International Journal of Education Economics and Development, 2025 Vol.16 No.1/2, pp.148 - 158
Received: 22 May 2023
Accepted: 11 Dec 2023
Published online: 02 Jan 2025 *