Title: Digital pedagogy: the role of e-learning tools in facilitating 21st century skills

Authors: Temitayo Deborah Oyedotun

Addresses: Faculty of Education and Humanities, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, University of Guyana, P.O. Box 101110, Turkeyen Campus, Guyana

Abstract: This essay considers the intersection of the educational system and technology use, focusing on the evolving landscape of digital tools in pedagogical practices. Here, the topic explores the benefits and challenges of integrating e-learning tools in educational settings, emphasising the importance of collaboration between educators and policymakers to harness these benefits effectively. Through literature and class observation as an instructor, this paper highlights the transformational effects of innovative approaches, such as self-regulated flipped classrooms and game-based learning, etc. all assisted by AI technologies that enhance student learning outcomes. Additionally, it discusses the role of digital technologies in promoting 21st-century skills and the competencies required. It also identifies the framework for understanding the best teaching practices relevant to today's learning. Above all, the paper provides insights into the transformative potential of digital pedagogy and the need for continuous adaptation to meet the demands of a rapidly changing educational landscape.

Keywords: artificial intelligence; digital pedagogy; educational technology; e-learning; student-centred learning; future of education; 21st century learning skills.

DOI: 10.1504/IJIIE.2024.144155

International Journal of Innovation in Education, 2024 Vol.9 No.1, pp.32 - 46

Received: 01 Apr 2024
Accepted: 20 Nov 2024

Published online: 29 Jan 2025 *

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