Title: The emergence of Indian multinationals in the new global order
Authors: Niladri Das
Addresses: Department of Management Studies, Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad 826004, India
Abstract: Economic integration across countries has created a global market for different types of products and services. It has given companies an access to the world|s best resources – cheap but talented labour, largest markets in terms of size, vast capital market, most advanced technologies and lowest-cost suppliers of inputs. Global companies find their origin not only in developed countries but also in emerging markets. Emerging markets in particular provide an invaluable springboard to companies to achieve global standards of competitiveness in their core activities at home, which are then leveraged internationally. This trend has been observed in India as well, which necessitated a study to review the key strategies of Indian companies, with a view to analyse their success in establishing a global footprint. This paper tries to highlight some major strategies employed by Indian companies in going abroad, particularly the pharmaceutical and auto companies, the need for creating a powerful brand India Inc. and suggest an innovative roadmap for all aspiring multinationals of South Asia.
Keywords: competitiveness; emerging markets; springboard; globalisation; India; Indian multinationals; multinational corporations; MNCs; business management; pharmaceutical industry; automobile industry; culture.
DOI: 10.1504/IJICBM.2007.014475
International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, 2007 Vol.1 No.1/2, pp.136 - 150
Published online: 10 Jul 2007 *
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