Title: Production planning in an assembly system with social and industrial constraints: a dynamic programming approach
Authors: Lyes Benyoucef, Vipul Jain, Nidhal Rezg, Xiaolan Xie
Addresses: INRIA-Lorraine, COSTEAM-Project, ISGMP Bat. A, Ile du Saulcy, Metz 57000, France. ' INRIA-Lorraine, COSTEAM-Project, ISGMP Bat. A, Ile du Saulcy, Metz 57000, France. ' INRIA-Lorraine, COSTEAM-Project, ISGMP Bat. A, Ile du Saulcy, Metz 57000, France. ' Department of Healthcare Systems Operation, Ecole Nationale Superieure des Mines de Saint-Etienne (ENSM.SE), 158, cours Fauriel, Saint-Etienne cedex 2 42023, France
Abstract: Production Planning (PP) plays an important role in modern manufacturing enterprises. With more and more restrictions imposed by various labour laws, PP decisions should be made not only based on industrial constraints, such as production capacity and inventory level, but also with respect to social constraints, such as limited use of overtime. Under such conditions, we propose a dynamic programming based approach for solving a class of PP problems with explicit consideration of social constraints. The problem considered in this paper is defined based on a real-life problem proposed by an international automobile industry. The objective is to find a feasible and flexible PP with respect to both industrial and social constraints. In the studied assembly system, PP decisions are made based on the sales forecast, the available production capacity and the current inventory level and with respect to the limited use of non-working days, overtimes and third shifts.
Keywords: assembly lines; production planning; social constraints; industrial constraints; dynamic programming; production capacity; inventory level; automobile industry; automotive assembly; sales forecasting; non-working days; overtime; third shifts.
DOI: 10.1504/IJSOI.2007.014516
International Journal of Services Operations and Informatics, 2007 Vol.2 No.2, pp.131 - 151
Published online: 12 Jul 2007 *
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