Title: Model reference approach to a force feedback joystick in PC video games
Authors: Jia-Sheng Hu, Mi-Ching Tsai
Addresses: Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan. ' Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan
Abstract: This paper aims to develop a viable impedance control based on a model reference scheme for power-aided joysticks in recreational video game applications. The impedance control approach can endow the joystick with interactive force feedback to enrich the amusement in PC video games, through which the game designer can easily specify the desired torque responses of the controlled joystick. The focus of this research is to establish haptic sensing of a virtual object with an observer to estimate the load torque information without using any torque sensors. The controller design and constraints are discussed thoroughly and experimental results are given to evaluate the performance of the proposed control scheme.
Keywords: impedance control; load torque observer; force feedback control; model reference control; recreational video games; force feedback joystick; haptic sensing; virtual objects; controller design; constraints.
DOI: 10.1504/IJCAT.2007.014564
International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 2007 Vol.28 No.4, pp.304 - 309
Published online: 16 Jul 2007 *
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