Title: Separation of finely dispersed sorbents from purified water by ultra-flocculation and turbulent micro-flotation
Authors: N.N. Rulyov, T.A. Dontsova, V.Ya. Korolyov
Addresses: Institute of Biocolloid Chemistry, Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences, Accadamic Vernadsky boul. 42, 01142, Kiev, Ukraine. ' Institute of Biocolloid Chemistry, Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences, Accadamic Vernadsky boul. 42, 01142, Kiev, Ukraine. ' Institute of Biocolloid Chemistry, Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences, Accadamic Vernadsky boul. 42, 01142, Kiev, Ukraine
Abstract: This paper describes studies of the process of recovery of finely dispersed sorbents from water by means of ultra-flocculation, sedimentation and turbulent micro-flotation, and the sequential combination of these steps. With reference to the most commonly used finely dispersed sorbents in the purification of water from organic contaminants, heavy metals and radio nuclides (aluminium hydroxide, sodium montmorillonite and nickel ferrocyanide), it has been shown that this approach is at least four times more effective for industrial wastewater purification and treatment of drinking water.
Keywords: flocculation; flotation; finely dispersed sorbents; water purification; wastewater treatment; water pollution; environmental pollution; ultraflocculation; turbulent microflotation; organic contaminants; heavy metals; radionuclides; aluminium hydroxide; sodium montmorillonite; nickel ferrocyanide; drinking water.
International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 2007 Vol.30 No.2, pp.345 - 357
Published online: 26 Jul 2007 *
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