Title: Storing and retrieving multimedia web notes
Authors: Paolo Bottoni, Stefano Levialdi, Nicola Pambuffetti, Emanuele Panizzi, Rosa Trinchese
Addresses: Department of Computer Science, University of Rome 'La Sapienza', Via Salaria 113, 00198 Rome, Italy. ' Department of Computer Science, University of Rome 'La Sapienza', Via Salaria 113, 00198 Rome, Italy. ' Department of Computer Science, University of Rome 'La Sapienza', Via Salaria 113, 00198 Rome, Italy. ' Department of Computer Science, University of Rome 'La Sapienza', Via Salaria 113, 00198 Rome, Italy. ' Department of Computer Science, University of Rome 'La Sapienza', Via Salaria 113, 00198 Rome, Italy
Abstract: Digital annotation of multi-media documents adds personal information to them. Sharing of annotations among different users allows discussions and cooperative work. We discuss architectural solutions and storage schemas to the problem of annotating multimedia documents with multimedia objects. Annotations can refer to whole documents or single portions, but also to groups of objects in the same document. We present a new digital annotation system with a client-server architecture, where the client is a plug-in for a standard web browser and servers are annotation repositories. Annotations can be retrieved and filtered, based on their metadata descriptors, and possibly on their content.
Keywords: multimedia documents; digital annotation; web notes; retrieval; personal information; multimedia objects; client-server architecture; annotation repositories; metadata.
DOI: 10.1504/IJCSE.2006.014780
International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering, 2006 Vol.2 No.5/6, pp.341 - 358
Published online: 08 Aug 2007 *
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