Title: Efficiencies of select vector repellents during composting of Municipal Solid Waste
Authors: T.K. Ghosh, Asha Juwarkar
Addresses: Environmental Biotechnology Division, National Environmental Engineering Research, Institute, Nagpur 440 020, India. ' Environmental Biotechnology Division, National Environmental Engineering Research, Institute, Nagpur 440 020, India
Abstract: Presently, most preferred mode of treatment of Municipal Solid Wastes (MSW) is composting. However, this may lead to health hazard because of the potential presence of pathogens, and vector borne insects, rodents etc., in the compost. Field studies were undertaken towards use of Folidol (organophosphate) and Celrich (biopesticide) as repellents of vectors while composting of MSW. At 0.05 kg m−2 Folidol caused significant reduction of fly within ninth day. Celrich, being produced from organic solid wastes, was observed to be effective fly repellent at 0.5 kg m−2. Considering ecological aspects and prospects of better fertilising potential of the end products of composting, Celrich can be a better choice as vector repellents.
Keywords: municipal solid waste; MSW; aerobic composting; organophosphates; Folidol; biopesticides; Celrich; insect repellents; fly repellents; fertilising potential; solid waste compost; vector repellents; organic solid wastes.
DOI: 10.1504/IJETM.2007.015156
International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management, 2007 Vol.7 No.3/4, pp.446 - 453
Published online: 18 Sep 2007 *
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