Title: European regulation of standby energy consumption: the case of LCD-TVs and TFT-monitors
Authors: Hendrik Biebeler, Mahammad Mahammadzadeh, Hubertus Bardt
Addresses: Cologne Institute for Economic Research (Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft – IW Koeln), Gustav-Heinemann-Ufer 84-88, Koeln D-50968, Germany. ' Cologne Institute for Economic Research (Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft – IW Koeln), Gustav-Heinemann-Ufer 84-88, Koeln D-50968, Germany. ' Cologne Institute for Economic Research (Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft – IW Koeln), Gustav-Heinemann-Ufer 84-88, Koeln D-50968, Germany
Abstract: This paper describes an example of a regulatory sustainability impact assessment that relates to energy saving and climate protection: recently the European Union has adopted a framework directive on requirements of the ecodesign of Energy-using Products (EuP). An implementing measure on standby energy consumption based on this directive is expected in 2008. Manufacturers of LCD-TVs and TFT-monitors were asked to estimate the energy saving potential and the costs of this implementing measure. The impact assessment outlines the likely ecological benefits and the economic effects. For LCD-TVs and TFT-monitors the potential to reduce energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions is quite small and consumers are hardly expected to be willing to pay more for an energy efficient product. Especially regulating the off mode is a very expensive option. In a further step CO2 avoidance costs are calculated. Partly, the avoidance costs are far above alternative avoidance costs represented by the price of emission rights.
Keywords: integrated product policy; IPP; European Union; EU Framework Directive for Energy-Using Products; EuP; ecodesign; standby energy consumption; off-mode; energy saving; energy efficiency; climate protection; impact assessment; CO2 avoidance costs; carbon dioxide emissions; European regulation; LCD TVs; TFT monitors; sustainability; sustainable development.
DOI: 10.1504/IJESD.2007.015304
International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development, 2007 Vol.6 No.3, pp.242 - 253
Published online: 03 Oct 2007 *
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