Title: An e-business model to facilitate conflict-solving and cooperation in logistics services
Authors: Kin Chung Liu, Dong Li
Addresses: AiMes Centre, Management School, University of Liverpool, 10 Duke Street, Liverpool L1 5AS, UK. ' AiMes Centre, Management School, University of Liverpool, 10 Duke Street, Liverpool L1 5AS, UK
Abstract: With increasing requirements on dynamics, agility and global integration of complex business networks, e-business is facing the challenge of moving from transaction oriented to collaborative and optimised business process management. Cooperation and negotiation are complex business activities and are crucial to successful cooperative supply chain management. In this research, a cooperation approach is proposed for cooperative planning and negotiation with capabilities of decision support, conflict solving and dynamic proposal of solutions. The contribution of the research is mainly on the conflict-solving approach-based on transparent decision process to justify decisions and improve mutual understanding of supply chain partners. The approach improves current negotiation methods through transparency of abstracted decision-making information to supply chain partners. Simulation of a prototype system-based on the proposed model is performed in a logistics supply chain. The research shows that the proposed approach is promising for cooperative decision making or negotiation support in logistics supply chains and has the potential to be applied to various industries.
Keywords: supply chain cooperation; modelling; negotiation; decision support; e-business models; electronic business; conflict solving; logistics services; business process management; supply chain management management; SCM; cooperative planning; supply chain planning; simulation.
DOI: 10.1504/IJSOI.2007.015331
International Journal of Services Operations and Informatics, 2007 Vol.2 No.3, pp.315 - 338
Published online: 08 Oct 2007 *
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