Title: Development and production of holders for extremity detectors
Authors: Peterson L. Squair, Maria S. Nogueira, Paulo Marcio C. Oliveira
Addresses: Center of Development of Nuclear Technology (CDTN/CNEN – MG), Prof. Mario Werneck street, s/nº, Cidade Universitaria Pampulha, Mail Box 941 30123–970 Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil. ' Center of Development of Nuclear Technology (CDTN/CNEN – MG), Prof. Mario Werneck street, s/nº, Cidade Universitaria Pampulha, Mail Box 941 30123–970 Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil. ' Center of Development of Nuclear Technology (CDTN/CNEN – MG), Prof. Mario Werneck street, s/nº, Cidade Universitaria Pampulha, Mail Box 941 30123–970 Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Abstract: The objective of this paper was to develop and produce holders for thermoluminescent detectors for use in interventionist radiology and nuclear medicine. To obtain the value of Dose Equivalent for Extremities, a dosimetry of extremities was done. The holders must have characteristics which are adequate for their intended use. The detector element used in the holders was the LiF:Mg,Ti (TLD-100) crystal, produced by Harshaw-Bicron. This crystal was encapsulated in two PTFE-Teflon® layers, and generated the holder for the thermoluminescent detector. The adequacy of the use of the PTFE-Teflon® polymer as the holder for the detector was evidenced, since it could stand high temperatures (300°C) without modifying its shape and also presented a low attenuation of the luminescence discharged by the TLD-100. The obtained outcomes show the efficacy of the production system of the holder for the thermoluminescent detector for its use in the individual monitoring of extremities.
Keywords: thermoluminescent detectors; extremity dosimeters; calibration; interventionist radiology; nuclear medicine; personal dose equivalent; extremity dosimeters; characterisation; low radiation; radiation exposure; Brazil; human extremities; radiology protection; finger simulator; gamma radiation fields; X-rays.
International Journal of Low Radiation, 2007 Vol.4 No.2, pp.95 - 101
Published online: 17 Oct 2007 *
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