Title: A new space-time scalable PI controller for pasteurisation units: reducing the effect of time and the length of holding tube
Authors: C. Riverol, M.V. Pilipovik
Addresses: Department of Chemical Engineering, University of West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad, Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. ' Department of Project Engineering, Armach Engineering Consulting, Urb. Los Palos Grandes, Caracas, Venezuela
Abstract: This paper outlines the design and validation of a space-time scalable PI controller where a new term has been added. This controller results especially attractive in carrying out pasteurisation or another heat treatment where the product should be held to a specific temperature for a specified period of time along tube without allowing recontamination product. Measurements made on Plate Heat Exchanger (PHE) unit have confirmed the validity of the new controller.
Keywords: robust control; milk pasteuriser; PI controller; distributed parameters; robustness; PDE; closed-loop systems; pasteurisation; heat treatment; holding tube length; plate heat exchangers.
DOI: 10.1504/IJAAC.2007.015842
International Journal of Automation and Control, 2007 Vol.1 No.4, pp.264 - 274
Published online: 25 Nov 2007 *
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