Title: The cross-functional coordination between operations, marketing, purchasing and engineering and the impact on performance
Authors: Amelia S. Carr, Hale Kaynak, Senthilkumar Muthusamy
Addresses: Department of Management, BAA 3018, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH 43403, USA. ' Department of Management, Marketing and International Business, College of Business, The University of Texas Pan-American, 1201 W. University Drive, Edinburg, TX 78539-2999, USA. ' Department of Management, BAA 3018, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH 43403, USA
Abstract: This paper is a study of the coordination capability between operations and other functional areas within the firm. The paper examines a number of relationships with respect to cross-functional coordination and performance. Using a random sample of 231 firms, five hypotheses are tested. Structural equation modelling is used to test the relationships depicted in the research model. The results indicate that firms can benefit from the cross-functional coordination between operations, marketing, engineering and purchasing.
Keywords: functional interfaces; cross-functional coordination; firm performance; operations; marketing; purchasing; engineering; structural equation modelling; organisational performance.
DOI: 10.1504/IJMTM.2008.015973
International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, 2008 Vol.13 No.1, pp.55 - 77
Published online: 02 Dec 2007 *
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