Title: Ontology-supported indexing in P2P networks of digital libraries
Authors: Christos E. Alexakos, Konstantinos I. Paraskevopoulos, Konstantinos V. Votis, Spiridon D. Likothanassis
Addresses: Pattern Recognition Laboratory Department of Computer Engineering & Informatics, University of Patras, GR 26500, Patras, Hellas, Greece. ' Department of Computer Engineering & Informatics, University of Patras, GR 26500, Patras, Hellas, Greece. ' Department of Computer Engineering & Informatics, University of Patras, GR 26500, Patras, Hellas, Greece. ' Department of Computer Engineering & Informatics, University of Patras, GR 26500, Patras, Hellas, Greece
Abstract: Distributed Digital Libraries (DLs) integration is significant for the enforcement of novel searching mechanisms in the internet. The great heterogeneity of systems storing and providing digital content requires the introduction of interoperability aspects in order to resolve integration problems in a flexible and dynamic way. Our approach introduces an innovative service-oriented P2P system, which initialises a distributed ontology schema, semantically describing and indexing the digital content stored in distributed DLs. The proposed architecture enforces the distributed semantic index by defining virtual clusters consisting of nodes (peers) with similar or related content in order to provide efficient searching and recommendation mechanisms. Furthermore, a use-case example is presented in order to demonstrate the functionalities of the proposed architecture in a P2P network with DLs containing cultural material.
Keywords: digital libraries; integration; distributed ontology; semantics; P2P architecture; SOA; semantic indexing; peer-to-peer networks; internet searching; cultural material.
DOI: 10.1504/IJWET.2008.016104
International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology, 2008 Vol.4 No.1, pp.44 - 69
Published online: 05 Dec 2007 *
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