Title: Overcoming barriers: why SMEs should consider networks
Authors: Mathias Klang, Carina Ihlstrom, Stefan Olsson
Addresses: Viktoria Institute, University of Goteborg, Box 620, 405 30 Goteborg, Sweden. Viktoria Institute, University of Goteborg, Box 620, 405 30 Goteborg, Sweden. Viktoria Institute, University of Goteborg, Box 620, 405 30 Goteborg, Sweden
Abstract: ||Firms, markets and relational contracting are important economic institutions. They are also the evolutionary product of a fascinating series of organisational innovations.|| [1] Small and medium sized enterprises (SME) are at a disadvantage when competing in a global environment. This paper looks at the need for specialised and adequate tools for the small and medium sized enterprise. These tools are comprised of both human and technical elements if they are to be successful in providing SMEs with the wherewithal to compete efficiently on the global marketplace.
Keywords: regional trade; networks; trade costs; SMEs.
DOI: 10.1504/IJSTM.2002.001617
International Journal of Services Technology and Management, 2002 Vol.3 No.1, pp.68-81
Published online: 10 Jul 2003 *
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