Title: Towards a realistic testbed for wireless network reliability and security performance studies
Authors: Fei Hu, Amish Rughoonundon, Laura Celentano
Addresses: Department of Computer Engineering, Rochester Institute of Tech., Rochester, New York, USA. ' Department of Computer Engineering, Rochester Institute of Tech., Rochester, New York, USA. ' Department of Computer Engineering, Rochester Institute of Tech., Rochester, New York, USA
Abstract: This paper will describe our research on the creation of a wireless ad-hoc network testbed where ad hoc network applications can be tested in real radio environments. The testbed will be easy to use and modular enough to allow users to quickly adapt the testbed to their own use. To study and test |reliability| performance, a light-weight transport protocol and an on-demand routing protocol will be built in the emulator, and ensure that its performance allows real tests to be carried out in real time. To study and test |security| performance, a symmetric-key-based cryptology will be built in the emulation platform.
Keywords: network reliability; network security; emulation study; wireless networks; ad-hoc networks; radio environments; reliability performance; on-demand routing protocol; lightweight transport protocol; security performance; key based cryptography.
International Journal of Security and Networks, 2008 Vol.3 No.1, pp.63 - 77
Published online: 09 Dec 2007 *
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