Title: Component comparison based information quality assurance
Authors: Yanjun Zuo
Addresses: Department of Information Systems and Business Education, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, USA
Abstract: This paper describes a model to assess the quality of available information objects. If two (or more) objects share similar attribute values but their values are calculated through significantly different methods or using highly similar methods independently, then those objects should be more trustworthy than if they are evaluated separately. Identifying such patterns provides |multiple-proof| towards the correctness of the similar results those objects represent. Graph isomorphism technique is used to evaluate how similarly or differently two given objects have been constructed. The objective is to better evaluate the trustworthiness of given objects and provide quality assurance for information consumers.
Keywords: information assurance; trustworthiness; component-based comparison; virtual communities; trust; information quality; quality assurance; information objects.
International Journal of Information Quality, 2007 Vol.1 No.3, pp.295 - 313
Published online: 26 Dec 2007 *
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