Title: Towards a dynamic theory of virtual communities
Authors: Christian Fuchs
Addresses: ICT&S Center: Advanced Studies and Research in Information and Communication Technologies and Society, Sigmund Haffner Gasse 18, Salzburg 5020, Austria
Abstract: In this paper, a theoretical notion of virtual community is developed that is based on the idea of dynamic, self-organising social systems. In intersubjective concepts, Virtual Communities (VCs) are conceived as continuous communicative relationships that are computer-mediated. Objective notions of VCs stress either that such online communication systems involve shared values, a shared identity and feelings of togetherness or that they are structured by technology or economy (online market places). The approach presented on this paper is based on the idea that structures and communicative practices are dialectically connected and that hence technological networks and social systems form two interlinked subsystems of a virtual community. Three connected levels of a virtual community are introduced: the technological infrastructure, communicative practices and cooperation. The third level is not reached in all VCs. Web 2.0 applications like wikis and blogs have a potential to advance cooperation and participation in social systems.
Keywords: virtual communities; cyberculture; digital culture; online communities; community theory; individualisation; Tonnies; Weber; Marx; capitalism; web based communities; technological infrastructure; communication; cooperation; wikis; blogs;social systems.
International Journal of Knowledge and Learning, 2007 Vol.3 No.4/5, pp.372 - 403
Published online: 17 Jan 2008 *
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