Title: Analysing interaction behaviour in network supported collaborative learning environments: a holistic approach
Authors: Ourania Petropoulou, Georgia Lazakidou, Symeon Retalis, Charalambos Vrasidas
Addresses: Department of Technology Education and Digital Systems, University of Piraeus, 80 Karaoli and Dimitriou, Piraeus 185 34, Greece. ' Department of Technology Education and Digital Systems, University of Piraeus, 80 Karaoli and Dimitriou, Piraeus 185 34, Greece. ' Department of Technology Education and Digital Systems, University of Piraeus, 80 Karaoli and Dimitriou, Piraeus 185 34, Greece. ' Centre for the Advancement of Research and Development in Educational Technology Ltd. (CARDET), 66 Metoxiou Avenue, Engomi 2407, Cyprus
Abstract: In a Network Supported Collaborative Learning (NSCL) environment, the teacher needs to be able to conduct a similar analysis and learner evaluation as in traditional settings. However, recording, analysing and interpreting learners| interactions during a NSCL process is an open research issue. This paper proposes a conceptual framework for interaction analysis which is accompanied by a set of evaluation techniques such as descriptive statistics, log file analysis and social network analysis. Our main goal is the in-depth understanding of the nature of learners| interactions within NSCL environments in order to help teachers get a holistic picture of the learning process. We applied the proposed framework in a pilot study where primary school children attended a NSCL course on Mathematics in order to augment their self-regulative problem-solving skills. The findings from this study seem promising while at the same time new ideas for future work have arisen.
Keywords: network supported collaborative learning; NSCL; interaction analysis; learning process evaluation; learning progress tracking; descriptive statistics; log file analysis; social network analysis; learner interaction; primary schools; primary education; mathematics.
International Journal of Knowledge and Learning, 2007 Vol.3 No.4/5, pp.450 - 464
Published online: 17 Jan 2008 *
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