Title: A technology assessment primer for management of technology
Authors: Anne De Piante Henriksen
Addresses: Technology and Safety Assessment Division, MS F609, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos NM 87545, USA
Abstract: Technology assessment (TA) is an important component of effective management of technology. It is therefore important for technology managers to have a range of technology assessment techniques in order to obtain meaningful information for making decisions and maintaining a viable position in the globally competitive marketplace. The purpose of this article is to compile and present a comprehensive toolkit of TA techniques that can lead to improved and more effective management of enterprise product, process, and supporting technologies. The numerous methods and techniques of TA are organised in this paper into nine different categories: economic analysis, decision analysis, systems engineering/analysis, technological forecasting, information monitoring, technical performance assessment, risk assessment, market analysis, and externalities/impact analysis. Specific assessment techniques in each of the nine categories are presented and discussed, and applications from the literature are provided. The role of the manager of technology in the TA process is emphasised.
Keywords: technology assessment; management of technology; technology analysis; competitiveness.
International Journal of Technology Management, 1997 Vol.13 No.5/6, pp.615-638
Published online: 16 Aug 2003 *
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