Title: Founder-CEO succession: the Russian paradox
Authors: Stanislav Shekshnia
Addresses: INSEAD, France; Senior Partner, Ward Howell/Zest Leadership, Moscow, Russia
Abstract: The paper explores the problem of owner-CEO succession in Russian companies. Specifics of Russia|s business environment as well as a number of external factors influencing succession event are reviewed. Major trends in founder-CEO succession are discussed and its potential pitfalls highlighted. The concept |Russian succession paradox| is introduced, a process whereby CEO-founders pass on the helm to their successors while retaining all the power.
Keywords: owner CEO succession; succession planning; founder CEO; Russia; Russian succession paradox; trust; loyalty.
European Journal of International Management, 2008 Vol.2 No.1, pp.39 - 55
Published online: 30 Jan 2008 *
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