Title: R&D and business strategy: analysis of practices at Canon
Authors: B. Bowonder, T. Miyake
Addresses: Administrative Staff College of India, Hyderabad 500 049, India. Investment and Technology Promotion Division, UNIDO, Vienna, A 1400, Austria
Abstract: Canon has been one of the most innovative high technology companies in Japan. Canon has been able to strategically reposition itself effectively through systematic long range technology forecasting, identification of product segments with high potential and introduction of products in these segments ahead of its competitors. Canon has used globalisation, alliances and innovation in a well-coordinated manner. The R&D strategy of Canon involves incorporation of user perspective in problem formulation, then rapid problem solution through multifunctional groups, rapid productionisation and continuous improvement of manufacturing process. The business strategy of Canon can be termed as dynamic competence building in which distinctive competencies are renewed with the objective of dynamically maintaining its competitive edge.
Keywords: Canon; R&D and business strategy; innovation; strategic alliances.
International Journal of Technology Management, 1997 Vol.13 No.7/8, pp.833-852
Published online: 17 Aug 2003 *
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