Title: Combining different approaches to company development
Authors: Jens 0. Riis, Jeanette Knopp, Frank Gertsen
Addresses: Department of Production, Aalborg University, Denmark. Department of Production, Aalborg University, Denmark. Department of Production, Aalborg University, Denmark
Abstract: This paper represents an attempt to shed light on an important issue for company development: namely, the orchestration of individual development projects and initiatives of different types and nature necessary for achieving an overall significantly improved performance. The paper will first introduce three approaches to developmental initiatives: (a) cross-functional development; (b) functional development; (c) local development. Then incremental and innovative changes will be discussed and a more differentiated classification will be proposed. This provides a framework for modelling different developmental processes, which will be illustrated by means of case examples. In addition, the results of a Danish survey on continuous improvements will be related to the three types of initiatives. Tentative theoretical and practical implications will be outlined.
Keywords: modelling change process; project; continuous improvement; company development; cross-functional development; classification.
International Journal of Technology Management, 1997 Vol.14 No.1, pp.61-73
Published online: 17 Aug 2003 *
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