Title: A multifaceted performance excellence framework for project-based organisations
Authors: Mei-I Cheng, Andrew Dainty, David Moore
Addresses: Psychology Division, School of Applied Social Science, De Montfort University, Leicestershire, LE11 9BH, UK. ' Department of Civil and Building Engineering, Loughborough University, Leicestershire, LE11 3TU, UK. ' Scott Sutherland School, The Robert Gordon University, Garthdee Road, Aberdeen AB10 7QB, UK
Abstract: Project-based work has become increasingly prevalent in many industries and sectors. However, it presents a particular challenge in terms of managing and assessing the performance of those involved, as outcomes are often the product of complex patterns of involvement from a wide range of stakeholders. This paper reports on a research that has attempted to overcome this difficulty through the development of a multifaceted performance excellence framework for project managers. The framework is based on three interrelated components of managerial performance excellence: role-focused, performance excellence criteria; job-focused, task-task competences; and person-focused, attribute-based competencies. This hybrid approach to performance management provides an evaluative framework adaptable for a variety of applications, including recruitment, development and training, succession planning and deployment. It offers an innovative alternative to normative competence-based approaches, which arguably do little to engender performance excellence within dynamic project-based sectors.
Keywords: projects; attribute-based competencies; job-task competences; performance management framework; performance excellence criteria; project-based organisations.
DOI: 10.1504/IJHRDM.2007.017133
International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management, 2007 Vol.7 No.3/4, pp.254 - 275
Published online: 15 Feb 2008 *
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