Title: Modelling and visualising modular product architectures for mass customisation
Authors: Niels Henrik Mortensen, Rasmus Pedersen, Morten Kvist, Lars Hvam
Addresses: Product Architecture Group, Engineering Design and Product Development, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Nils Koppels Alle, Building 404, 2cd floor, DK-2800 Kongens Lyngby, Denmark. ' Product Architecture Group, Engineering Design and Product Development, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Nils Koppels Alle, Building 404, 2cd floor, DK-2800 Kongens Lyngby, Denmark. ' Product Architecture Group, Engineering Design and Product Development, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Nils Koppels Alle, Building 404, 2cd floor, DK-2800 Kongens Lyngby, Denmark. ' Department of Manufacturing and Engineering Management, Technical University of Denmark, 2800 Lyngby, Denmark
Abstract: Companies following a mass customisation strategy have to observe two prerequisites for success: they have to fulfil a wide variety of customer needs and demands, and to harvest the benefits from economies of scale within their organisation and supply chain. This leads to the situation that the companies are striving for variety from a commercial view and simplicity from a manufacturing one. A conscious structuring of product architectures and/or the use of product platforms can help overcome this challenge. This paper presents a new method for the synthesis and visualisation of product architecture concepts that puts emphasis on variety in markets while also treating the consequences in the manufacturing set-up. The work is based on the assumption that a graphical overview of a given solution space and relations between market demands, product architecture and manufacturing layout can support decision making and constitute a very powerful interaction between stakeholders in product development departments striving for mass customisation.
Keywords: product architecture; product platform; multiproduct development; mass customisation; concept visualisation; product modularity; product modularisation; product development; modular products; manufacturing layout; market demands; decision making; modelling.
DOI: 10.1504/IJMASSC.2008.017141
International Journal of Mass Customisation, 2008 Vol.2 No.3/4, pp.216 - 239
Published online: 15 Feb 2008 *
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