Title: Structuring a choice model for mass customisation
Authors: Masa Noguchi
Addresses: Mackintosh Environmental Architecture Research Unit, Mackintosh School of Architecture, The Glasgow School of Art, 167 Renfrew Street, Glasgow, G3 6RQ, UK
Abstract: A mass custom design approach is readily available for the delivery of quality affordable homes today. However, in reality, homebuilders tend to follow routines in their way of doing business and to be reluctant to apply (or buy) such innovative design (and construction) approaches to their housing developments. Their buying behaviour towards the adoption of a new product or service was surveyed by reviewing organisational (or industrial) buying behaviour. The author found that industrial buyers tend to cut down the information search for nonprogrammed decisions to determine whether or not to buy an unfamiliar product or service; thus, the organisational buying decision-making process may need to be well programmed. Accordingly, in conjunction with the concept of mass customisation, this paper proposes a new choice model that helps homebuilders understand the true value of innovative design and construction systems that can be applied for upgrading their mass housing developments.
Keywords: mass customisation; mass custom homes; mass custom design; MCD; organisational buying behaviour; industrial buying behaviour; consumer buying behaviour; value analysis; value engineering; quality affordable housing; design decision making; user participation; sustainable development; sustainability; housing development; innovative design; innovative construction; housing design; choice models.
DOI: 10.1504/IJMASSC.2008.017143
International Journal of Mass Customisation, 2008 Vol.2 No.3/4, pp.264 - 281
Published online: 15 Feb 2008 *
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